Tribal Tourism Study – Katipul Tribe Case
Author: Jerry Chen(作者: 陳健立)*
摘 要
According to the recent survey done by World Tourism Organization (WTO), nowadays the tourism industry already became the largest one among all the industries in the world.The Katipul tribal tour was initially started in the year 2000, funded by the Katipul culture association - a tribal developing oriented, none profit organization. The tour was originally designed for increasing the local economy activities in the tribe and also for bringing more non-tribal people into the tribe in order to gain the understanding in between tribal and non-tribal people. However, the semi-volunteer style working group never really achieved its original goal and never has enough income to gain self-sufficiency, not to mention to expand the tour influence; even it has quit even tourists coming throughout the whole year. In this case study, the main subject is to analyze current financial status and future projection,
plans of the Katipul tribal tourism. Furthermore, to compare the Katipul tribal tourism with existing successful tribal tourism samples to identify where its model and plan can be modified to make the tour profitable and fulfill the educational goal.
根據世界旅遊組織(Tourism Organization,WTO)於2010年所做的調查,時下旅遊業已經成為全球最大的一個單一產業。卡地布部落旅遊最初是由臺東縣卡地布文化發展協會於西元2000年開始發展。卡地布文化發展協會係一位於台東知本,以部落的發展為導向的非營利性組織。卡地布部落旅遊最初的設計與目的是希望以部落旅遊所帶來的遊客增加當地部落的經濟活動,也希望帶動更多的非部落民眾進入部落,進而增進部落和非部落的民眾彼此之間更深的互動與理解。然而,此大半以志願工作者所組成的組織從來沒有真正的實現其最初的目標。即便知本是遊客群集的地區,卡地布部落旅遊從來沒有真正的在財務上有能力自給自足,更不用說達成以旅遊推廣文化教育的理想。在本案例研究中,我們將把目標放在分析卡地布部落旅遊當前的財務狀況和未來發展的預測與計畫。此外,我們也將比較與探討卡地布部落旅遊與其他部落旅遊成功案例間的異同點,進而提供一個運作模型和計劃以供卡地布部落旅遊參考,並據以完成自給自足的營利目標,達成活絡部落經濟的目的,並能夠實現文化教育的理想。
- Katipul Tribal Tourism
“Honestly speaking, we all know what and where the problemsare.” Said Cheng-Jong Chen, the director of Katipul Culture Development Association, “But we just don’t know what effort we can make to change the situation.”
Figure 1-1.Tourists attend the event at Katipul Palakuwan Culture Park.
After slumped for almost two years, once again, in the third quarter of year 2011, Katipul Culture Development Association started to invite travel planners and managers from nearby hotels[*[1]] and travel agencies participatedin the recently re-designed Katipul tribal tour. The KCDA try to attract more tourists by cooperating with hotels and travel agencies where normally tourists get the tour information from.According to the survey from local government, therewereover 3.5 million visitors visited Tai-Tung County [*[2]]inthe yearof 2010, only aboutthousandvisitors participated in the Katipul tribal tour.
Katipul, a Pinuyumayan [*[3]]tribe located in the sub urban area in south ofTai-Tung City, is offering various tribal tourism courses to the public. The tour courses offered varies from half day historical and cultural site visiting, one full day culture experience with traditional tribal totem painting and handcraft practice, to two full days “off the city” camp site traditional tribal life experiencing. Price range for the tour courses are from 100 NT dollars to 1600 NT dollars depends on what tour course tourist takes.
There are few major purposes for KCDA to build up the tribal tourism courses. The first one is to eliminate or at least reduce the bias against the tribal people from none tribal.KCDA believes that through the tour, none tribal people would learn the differences of culture, life style, and way of thinking. By gaining the understanding, the gap in between could be eliminated or at least, none tribal people would know what the gap really is.
The second purpose is to raise the fund for community public affair, and to boost the local economic activities by bringing more tourists to expend money. It will increase the income and also create more opportunity for the people who chose to stay in the tribe, and make the tribe become self-sustained. Furthermore, it may bring back those tribal people who have to leave home away for seeking jobs.
The third is to reduce the uncertainty of financial support from local and central government. The Katipul tribe needs around eight hundred fifty thousand NT dollars per year for maintaining and running the Katipul Palakuwan Culture Park and also for holding the tribe ceremonies and events. Currently the KCDA has to apply for the financial support from different government agencies every single year, and it to use different subjects or events for the cases it submitted since government normally does not accept the KCDA to apply for the budget support for the same occasion in the consecutive years.
The plan and goal which KCDA set looks perfect, but the real world is crucial. Without hiring full-time dedicated personnel from travel industry to plan the tour and to make a marketing plan and promote, the outcome of the current running tour business does not meet the original expectation.The KCDA current plan seems not realistic, and the goal seems not reachable.
Katipul Tribe –Culture and Society
Katipul, aPinuyumayan tribe, has resided in the south eastern Taiwan for more than thousand years. Pinuyumayan is the one ofthe fourteen government formally recognized indigenous ethnic groups in Taiwan.The total population of indigenous people in Taiwan is slightly more than half a million; all theindigenous ethnic groups in Taiwan are part ofthe Austronesian language ethnic system.
The Austronesian language ethnic system is the most widely spread out ethnic groupfrom the geographical point of view; there are more than two hundred million Austronesian people live in different countries fromIndian Ocean through almost all the South Pacific Ocean, for example, native Malaysian and Indonesian people are Austronesian. From the result of linguistics research, all the Austronesian people spread out from Taiwan, which means, Taiwan indigenous is the root of entire Austronesian. But the evidence archeologist found shows totally different result, the archeology evidence shown that the Austronesian in Taiwan is actually migrated from South Pacific islands.
The Tribes
Nowadays, the total population of Pinuyumayan is about eleven thousand; most of them inhabiting in ten tribes onalluvial plain and in the hillside of Central Mountain Ridge in Tai-Tung County in Taiwan. According to the ancestral legends, these ten Pinuyumayan tribes can be divided into two major groups.One group consists of three tribes is derived from the “Bamboo Origin” ancestral legend, led by the tribe Puyuma; this group of people believes that while their ancestor came to this island, the place their ancestorwent ashore is the place called Panapanayan. Another group consists of seven tribes is derived from the “Rock Origin” ancestral legend, led by the tribe Katipul; this group of people believes that while their ancestor came to this island, the place their ancestorwent ashore is the place namedRuvua’an.
- Katipul Tribal Tourism
- Katipul Tribe – Culture and Society
- Tribal Tourism
Successful Tribal Tourism Samples
Katipul Tribal Tourism – Current Situation
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[1] Katipul tribe is in the famous “hot-spring” area named “Chih-Pen”. Therefore there are many hotels and resorts in this area.
[2] The Tai-Tung County is in the south eastern Taiwan. The total population is around two hundred thirty thousand,30% of the population is indigenous, largest ratio among all the Counties in Taiwan.
[3] Pinuyumayan, also known as “Puyuma” or “Bei-Nan Chu”, is one of the 14 indigenous ethnic groups in Taiwan. The indigenous in Taiwan belongs to the Austronesian language system ethnic group.